3 Hot Interview Tips for Making a Good First Impression

There is a common belief that some interviews tend to make hiring decisions within a few minutes of meeting a candidate.

This is why it is so important to take the time to prepare for your interview and make those critical first minutes count, because the way you talk, move and present yourself can make or break your chances of scoring your dream job.

So here are 3 hot construction job interview tips to help you make a breakthrough first impression.

Know what you want to say

What do you really want to say about yourself in the interview? Do you want your interviewer to know that you’re a calm, confident, professional candidate who would blitz the job?

If so, you need to choose the right clothes and accessories to match this image. Smart, contemporary and clean is a winning look.

Think about the energy you want to give off. Take time before the interview to get yourself in a positive head space – focussed, friendly and above all interested in the job and the company.

Know how you want to say it

Body language is everything in an interview. An open stance, direct eye contact and a friendly smile go a long way to impressing your recruiter.

  • Shake hands firmly on entering the room.
  • Sit up straight with shoulders back.
  • Lean in a little while talking.
  • Mirror your interviewer.
  • Nod and smile at intervals.
  • Keep your arms and legs uncrossed.

If you have more than one interviewer, make sure to move your gaze from the person asking the question to their colleagues, then back again.

Above all, be authentic

Don’t focus so much on all the behavioural ‘shoulds’ that you forget how to be yourself. Your recruiters will know if you are trying too hard, so it’s important to be able to let go a bit.

Once you’ve done all your initial preparation, ease up on yourself when interview day rolls around. This way you’re more likely to appear natural and calm in your interview.

Avoid simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers, allowing yourself to get involved in a real discussion or exchange with the interviewer. This will add depth to your presentation and give you a chance to show what you’re made of.

If a construction job interview is hard to find, why not try a Construction recruitment agency? Specialist agencies have the industry experience and expertise to help you reach the next stage of your construction career journey.