5 Ways to Future-Proof Your Healthcare Workforce

As Australia’s population steadily expands and ages, a fresh look at future healthcare requirements is essential for all providers. New strategies are needed to ensure an already overburdened health industry can cope with the challenges ahead.

What does the future look like?

As the Federal Government’s Intergenerational Report shows, the population is ageing as well as expanding, which will require an increase in health expenditure in the future:

  • About 40,000 Australians will be aged more than 100 by 2055.
  • The nation’s population may be close to 40 million by then.
  • Health expenditure per person is expected to more than double during the next 40 years.

So how can healthcare providers future-proof?

Here are five ways to future-proof your workforce, right from the recruitment stage.

  1. Prioritise leadership skills

It’s important to know what attributes will be most valuable as pressure on services rises. Seek candidates with a broad educational and knowledge base as well as strong problem-solving skills, resilience and a creative approach.

  1. Develop leadership skills

Use in-house training, coaching and mentorship programs to bring out the best in your employees. Focus on developing skills in the areas of government funding, strategy and decision-making as well as social and economic planning.

  1. Show career progression

Increased competition for top candidates means you must keep your staff engaged and aiming high if you want to keep them. Concentrate on providing clear career paths which give employees an incentive to keep moving forward – with you.

  1. Be flexible

These days, smart employers offer flexible work arrangements, hours and holidays along with attractive workplace and financial benefits. This boosts company branding and promotes your clinic or company as a great place to work.

  1. Tap the talents of a recruitment agency to source candidates

Frontline Health can take your recruitment needs and help you hire for the future. Drawing on years of experience and expertise, we can help ensure you’re sourcing the right candidates and that you stand the best chance of securing top talent.

Healthcare providers need to begin preparing for the future now, in order to survive and thrive. Talk to Frontline Health today for assistance with your recruitment strategy.