5 Retail Technology Trends You Should Know About

Technological advances in retail are transforming the sector as we know it. This means candidates must switch on to the latest trends or risk missing prime jobs in the retail industry.

You don’t have to be an expert to stand out from the crowd. You do, however, need to demonstrate to interviewers that you understand this changing world of retail technology.

  1. E-commerce software

This kind of software integrates all the store’s functions in one place. This means a single online interface connects invoices, inventory, online orders, accounting and social media in a user-friendly system.

Of course, it’s only user-friendly once you know how to operate it. Doing a little research on different platforms in this area will place you in a good position for retail interviews.

  1. Retail apps

Retail apps are personalising the shopping experience for customers, and are creating a unique way of selling to them.

Many retail companies now have their own app allowing consumers to customise the way they earn loyalty points, receive special discounts, view and purchase products online or instore.

  1. Beacon technology

Beacons work cleverly with customers’ smartphones to promote sales and enhance the shopping experience.

Push notifications can offer shoppers special deals as they approach items on sale. Beacons can also be used greet customers and tailor discounts to suit their interests.

  1. Instore interactive kiosks

Bricks and mortar stores are increasingly using interactive kiosks in a bid to retain customers.

Positioned at various points within the store, these kiosks allow customers to play with colours and styles as well as browse products, prices and delivery options. Some even allow the customer to pay and complete their sale via the kiosk.

  1. Smart registers

Banks are constantly introducing new ways for customers to purchase items. These include payment via smartphone and tapping.

Today’s smart registers are connected to the store’s e-commerce software. Customers in big chains now regularly use self-service checkouts. They can even complete transactions simply by scanning an item via mobile phone – no credit card needed.

Are you looking for your next position? A specialist recruitment agency can help you navigate the ever-changing world of retail jobs.