How to manage gaps in your team during the holiday season

group of happy people in the office having a meeting


As the holiday season approaches, many teams find themselves facing the challenge of managing gaps left by team members.

Whether they’ve taken a holiday, away sick, or they have moved onto new opportunities, these departures can leave your team feeling stretched thin.

But we have some proactive strategies for managing these gaps to ensure its business as usual during the busy period and you set the stage for a successful 2024.

1. Cross-Training and Skill Development:

Encourage cross-training within your team to ensure that essential skills are not concentrated in one individual. This helps mitigate the impact of sudden absences and promotes a collaborative working environment. By identifying key skills and investing in ongoing training, you can build a versatile team that can adapt to challenges effectively.

2. Temporary Support to Cover Gaps:

Plan ahead for team members taking extended leaves by arranging temporary support. This may involve hiring seasonal staff or redistributing responsibilities among existing team members. Working with a recruiting agency like us can streamline this process, ensuring you find qualified individuals who can seamlessly integrate into your team during peak times.

3. Keep Communication Open:

During the holiday season, establish clear lines of communication to keep everyone informed about schedules, responsibilities, and potential changes in teams. Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their concerns or intentions, creating a culture of transparency that strengthens the team dynamic.

4. Conduct “Stay Interviews”:

The holiday season is the perfect time to take a step back and assess the satisfaction levels of your team. Consider conducting “stay interviews” to gain valuable insights into your employees’ experiences throughout the year. This provides an opportunity to address any concerns before they escalate and potentially lead to staff movement in the early months of the new year. Use this feedback to enhance the working environment and boost team morale.

5. Prepare for Movement in 2024:

Anticipate changes in your team by being proactive. Engage in confidential conversations with team members you suspect might be considering a change. As a recruiter, we can assist you in navigating these discussions and offer potential candidates to fill upcoming gaps. This proactive approach ensures that you are well-prepared for any transitions, maintaining the continuity of your team’s efficiency.

Let your local recruiter know about team changes.

At Frontline, we understand the challenges of team transitions and offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. Speak to one of our recruiters today to discover how we can help you bridge the gaps and ensure a smooth journey towards a more robust and resilient team. Proactive planning today will pave the way for a thriving and cohesive team in the coming year.