Increase in immigration: Is it going to be harder to find a job?

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G’day and Kia Ora, job seekers! If you’ve been keeping an eye on the news, you might have noticed a surge in immigration rates in Australia and New Zealand. With this influx of talent, you might be wondering: Will it become harder to secure that dream job?

Over the past few years, we experienced an extreme candidate shortage in the job market, where employers couldn’t find talent easily and job seekers were spoilt for choice. This was due to a few factors stemming from the pandemic years, but primarily because of people not wanting to shift roles due to job security, and the lack of skilled talent that had left the countries because of restrictions, and not returning.

For many Frontline industries, such as health and education, the candidate shortage remains as we struggle to fill the rate to which people are leaving due to burnout over the past few years. However, we are starting to see a turn in the job market with SEEK ANZ reporting that job applications per ad at the highest level they had been in almost two years, which means that it’s becoming more competitive for job seekers in the market!

It’s true that with more candidates vying for positions, the job market can become more competitive. However, competition shouldn’t be feared; it should be seen as an opportunity to upskill and stand out. Focus on developing your unique strengths, acquiring new competencies, and staying adaptable in a rapidly changing world.

To navigate the evolving job market, it’s essential to stay proactive and strategic in your job search efforts. Leverage online platforms, a recruitment specialist, and industry groups to stay updated on emerging opportunities. We have a free career planning guide if you need some inspiration on where to start! Alternatively, you can get in touch with a local Frontliner, we’re always here to help you throughout your career.