On The Job Hunt? Here’s What To Look for In An Employer

On the Job Hunt? Here’s What To Look For In An Employer

Looking for a new job? Research shows that when job-seekers come across a role they’re interested in, 64 percent will go and research the company who posted it. And while a little background knowledge can only work in your favour at interview time, your research can also help you figure out if that company would be a good fit for you long-term.
So, what makes a good employer, or workplace? There are certainly some common reasons employees feel happier at work, as we found when researching our Feel Good Index Report. Here are some signs that an employer is worth working for.

1. They’re big on work-life balance

Want improved wellbeing, less stress and a lower risk of burn-out? Work-life balance is where it’s at, say experts – but how can you tell a company truly believes in it? Checking reviews of the company on Glassdoor can be useful, as can talking to people in the industry to glean a bit of info about the employer’s reputation. And if you make it to the interview, ask straight out: ‘What does the company do to help its employees maintain a good work-life balance?’

2. They don’t micromanage their staff

If you’ve worked for a company where the leadership style was to constantly check up on employees and try to control every minor detail, you’ll know how miserable going to work can be. On the flip side, employees who are given autonomy and the ability to make decisions at work are far happier, according to our Feel Good Index Report. Again, company reviews can offer insights into the leadership style, as can asking questions in the interview such as, ‘What are some of the reasons people have left the company in the past?’

3. The company culture is supportive

Glassdoor study found that 77 percent of job-seekers consider the company culture before applying for a job and 56 percent say the culture trumps salary when it comes to job satisfaction. Can’t argue with those numbers! Signs of a great company culture include low turnover for one (happy employees stick around). They’ll also celebrate wins, embrace diversity and develop employee engagement opportunities so going to work is actually, well, fun. You may have to do a little detective work to find out how the company culture stacks up – whether you talk to people you know who’ve worked there, or check out the socials of a few current employees to get some insight onto how happy they are at work.

4. Employees are empowered to upskill

We all know how critical it is to stay ahead of the curve and keep our skills relevant – especially as automation and AI start to take centre stage across most industries. And a great workplace that values career progression is likely to give employees multiple opportunities to learn and develop their skillset. Not surprisingly, this workplace perk scored highly in our Frontline Feel Good Index Report about what makes employees happier on the job. Often, an employer will mention perks like these on their website or as part of the job ad, so it’s a detail to take notice of if training and career progression are important to you.

5. There’s an open communication style

Being given the opportunity to collaborate, have a voice, share your ideas and stay in the loop is a big part of what makes us want to go to work, our research found. And feeling safe to do that comes down to trust, openness and communication from the top down. How to know there’s a healthy communication style at a company you’re interested in joining? Check out their mission statement and values statement, if they have one – they’re a good sign the company has thought about how it stands apart from other organisations, what it believes in and how it behaves.
Love this? Download our Frontline Feel Good Index Report to find out more about boosting your wellbeing at work.