Tips on Writing a Great Cover Letter

Once you have graduated and are ready to work as a teacher, you may soon realise that the search for education jobs requires a professional and well planned CV. Your CV is pivotal to your success in landing an interview, and a major component of it is a personal statement. If you’re unsure about writing a personal statement, and how to make it count, read on!    



An effective cover letter is an integral part of every teacher CV. There may be several candidates whose skills and experience match the job description, and your cover letter can be the one element that sets you apart.  


To put it simply, a cover letter is a written document outlining your personal attributes, and why a recruiter should hire you. It will generally describe your education, teaching experience and additional skills that may be of benefit to a school. It should also be specific, so include details such as the age groups that you have experience with.  


Ensure your cover letter is clear and concise – no more than a page long. The key to an effective cover letter is to respond to the specific advertised role and make sure it’s clear you are interested in the school. Use the introductory paragraph to provide an overview of your skills and experience and why you think you could make a positive and valuable contribution in the role.   With each further paragraph, address specific selection criteria. Always provide examples of where and when you have used particular skills. This will help anyone reading your statement quickly get a better picture of how you might fit the role.  


Writing a cover letter takes some practice, but once you have done it, it can be easily adapted as required. In tailoring your personal statement, always read about the school and consider what appeals to you about the role. Then incorporate that into your cover letter. To end on a positive note, include one or two lines reiterating your passion for education, your interest in the position and why you think you would be the ideal cultural fit.  


Education jobs aren’t always easy to find, particularly when you’re starting out, which is why we’re here to help. We have an understanding of the education sector and can help link you with current vacancies from quality schools, while providing advice and support. If you’d like to start searching for your new education job, please get in touch today!