How long do we stay working for a school?

How long do we stay working for a company? Has this changed over the last twenty years? What is happening now?

Gone are the years of a job for life. These days, people move between roles much more often than they did 20 years ago, but that was a long time ago so have things really changed that much since then? Well, yes they have, but maybe not as much as we thought… and there are some interesting recent trends!

Frontline Education has compiled the following data from over 355,000 records which extend back over the last 20 years and show how long people spend at each company they work in. This data covers all age groups and has been broken down into the industry sectors in which Frontline Recruitment Group operates.

Yes, over the last 20 years there have been some changes. In fact the average amount of time someone working in the Education industry spends in a company now has declined by 31% in comparison to how long they spent in a company in 1998.

Interestingly this trend of declining years spent in a company has started to turn around and over the last five years we have seen people working in the Education Industry are starting to spend longer at the company with a BIG 47% increase in how long they are staying… which, as can be seen in the graph below, is just over a year!  

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