6 Tips for Retaining High-Performing Retail Staff

Everyone knows successful retail is about making the customer happy. Yet keeping your staff happy is just as important for businesses of every size.

Happy staff generally means happy customers. Retail employers who actively promote a positive workplace are also more likely to retain their best talent rather than lose them to competitors.

So, how can you ensure staff stay keen, happy and fulfilled?

  1. Get to know your staff

It’s important to know how your employees feel about life, work and colleagues. Talk to them about their goals and aspirations. Ask them how you, as their employer, can help them achieve their objectives.

In today’s fast-changing and connected world, the barriers between work and personal lives are breaking down. Once you know what makes your workers tick, you can adapt and enrich the workplace to better suit their needs.

  1. Offer staff the training and support they need

Craft professional training opportunities to keep employees interested and help them develop their careers.

If employees see a clear career path within your company, they are more likely to do their best work and stay loyal to your brand. Coaching, mentoring and further education are great ways to help your staff grow.

  1. Work on developing a strong company culture

Company culture is key to winning and retaining top retail staff. Brands with stand-out passion, ethics and diversity are top of the tick list for today’s retail candidates.

Does your workplace reflect contemporary values or is it stuck in the past? Work on building an inclusive, respectful work environment which employs the latest technology via company social media channels and mobile training opportunities. 

  1. Encourage and listen to staff feedback

Getting to know your employees is just the start. It’s critical to keep tabs on what they think and feel on a monthly, weekly, even daily basis.

Request staff feedback on a range of issues and let staff know your door is always open. This allows you to work through problems as they arise, nipping conflicts in the bud.

  1. Try flexible work practices

Everyone wants control over their working life and conditions. While some work requirements are fixed, consider offering employees more choice in terms of working week and annual leave.

While some workers are based solely on the sales floor, others may be able to work part of the week at home. In-store workers could be offered more choice of shifts, a concentrated working week or easier childcare options.

  1. Get together out of the office

Enjoy the company of your employees and encourage them to spend time together out of work hours.

While hard work and commitment are required from all retail staff, provide some extra-curricular events and functions to keep them happy and engaged.

If you need help filling your vacancies, please contact one of our dedicated consultants.