8 Behavioural Questions for Nursing Candidates

Behavioural interviewing is a commonly used technique where candidates are asked questions that put them in a particular situation. By learning how they have behaved in the past when faced with common job-related scenarios, an interviewer can get an idea how a candidate might perform in the role if successful.

There are an infinite number of behavioural questions you can ask job candidates, and this can make it difficult to narrow the options. For the best results your behavioural questions should focus very specifically on the skills and attribute required for the health role in question.

Here are some examples of 8 behavioural questions you can ask candidates for your next nursing role:

  1. Describe a situation where you had to deal with a difficult patient?
  2. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with a colleague over the management of a patient?
  3. Give me an example of a time you managed a high stress situation?
  4. Describe a time when you worked as part of a team and what your contribution to the team was?
  5. Give me an example of a time when a decision you made was criticised and explain how you dealt with it?
  6. Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with one of your colleagues and describe how you resolved it?
  7. Describe a situation when your integrity was challenged at work and what the outcome was?
  8. Tell me about a stressful situation you’ve experienced involving a patient and their family and how you handled it?

These are just a sample of the types of questions you could ask. Behavioural questions in a healthcare interview should be tailored to the specific role you are interviewing for.

By looking at a candidate’s past behaviour and experience of common situations they are likely to encounter with you, you can get a clear idea of how they might perform if given the role.

There are many different types of questions you can ask in nurse job interviews, and most recruiters choose to use a combination of different interview techniques so they can get a well-rounded view of a candidate and make an informed decision.

If you are currently recruiting, please feel free to get in touch to recruitment needs.