How to take advantage of the new-year job market

Women in suit smiling at manSome employers prefer to hire when they need to, no matter the time of year. Others are strategic about bringing on new people – and they like to take advantage of the market when it’s likely to be flooded with fresh new candidates.

If you’re in the second category, a good time to hire is now – and here’s why.

1. You can use quieter start the year to hone your hiring strategy

Lots of industries are still a bit slow in January – such as education or construction. However, it’s a great time to figure out what you need for the coming year, talk to your team and finance departments, and get budgets, salaries and benefits approved for the roles you need to fill. That way, you’re ready to post job ads and start generating interest.

2. In February, most candidates are back from holidays

We know that many employers start placing job ads and talking to recruitment specialists in January – and if you take that route, you could get some immediate interest from a few proactive candidates. But it’s February when everyone’s back from holidays and the job search begins in earnest. And if you’ve got your hiring strategy down pat, you’ll be primed to set up interviews and crack on with the hiring process.

3. The market will be flooded with recent graduates and current students

Looking for junior or entry level staff? You’re in luck: during the early months of the year, the jobs market is full of fresh graduates all hoping to put their skills to the test and learn as much as possible to start their career. That’s a great thing for employers who are keen to bring a few bright new minds on board to train and develop, and you can plan to onboard them in February and March. You also may find that current students are willing to work weekends and apply for casual positions to fill their free time and earn some extra cash.

4. There are more international students returning to Australia and New Zealand

The pandemic ground everything to a halt around the world – and border closures, multiple lockdowns and other challenges certainly made things tough for business owners. But three years on, the borders are opening and we’re seeing international students arriving in large numbers, with visa applications reportedly up by 40 percent on 2019. That means, if you’re in a business that relies on international students, you’re going to suddenly find it far easier to hire.

5. Quiet quitting and The Great Resignation can be a good thing for employers

Recruiters have watched these market trends play out both overseas and to a lesser degree, in the Australian and New Zealand job market. These basically revolve around employees jumping ship in great numbers, in search of roles that offer better work-life balance, more money or benefits. That means you should be facing a decent pool of potential candidates if you’re hiring right now – just make sure the job ads you’re placing are attractive and present your company in the best possible light.

Don’t forget: recruiters can give hiring strategy advice

It’s true – recruitment specialists like us are perfectly placed to advise you on how to leverage the jobs market, and attract the right candidates to the roles you’re trying to fill.

We can also give you valuable intel about the types of candidates we have available, and what we’re seeing in the market right now, too. So if you need any help, get in touch.