Is workplace stress rising in 2024?

Is workplace stress rising in 2024?

Let’s talk about stress.

Workplace stress is on the rise, and you’re not imagining it.

A massive 86% of workers feel some level of stress in their role. But did you know those who classify themselves as ‘extremely stressed’ have skyrocketed? 18% of workers now report feeling extremely stressed in their roles, compared to just 8% last year according to our recent research of over 6000 candidates for our 2024 Feel Good Recruitment Insights report.

That’s a big jump, and it’s affecting people across all industries.

So, what’s behind the stress spike?

Let’s break down some of the main reasons why stress levels could be on the rise:

  1. Job security: Worrying about layoffs or company restructuring can keep anyone up at night. The fear of losing your job is a heavy burden to carry.
  2. Cost of living: Everything seems to be getting more expensive, from groceries to rent. Financial stress adds a whole new layer of pressure on top of work responsibilities.
  3. Rising unemployment: With unemployment rates in both Australia and New Zealand creeping up, even those with jobs feel uneasy, wondering if they might be next on the chopping block.

How can you tackle stress at work?

Stress isn’t always a bad thing, but the trick is to be managing your stress in a healthy way before it turns from a green flag to a red one. Here are our expert tips to keep your stress in check:

  1. Prioritise and organise: If you feel like you’re drowning in work and don’t know where to start. Write a list, tick off a couple of easy wins and break down your bigger tasks into manageable steps.
  2. Take regular breaks: Break your workday into chunks of time and take regular breaks in between tasks using methods like the Pomodoro technique.
  3. Keep breathing: Mediation and focusing on your breath throughout the day can help bring back the calm and maintain a clear mind.
  4. Focus on things you can control: Remember, some things are beyond your control. Focus your energy on tasks and situations where you can make a difference.
  5. Don’t keep it a secret: Talking about stress and mental health shouldn’t be taboo. Use the resources available to you, or speak to your manager to let them know you may need a helping hand.

When all else fails: Is it time for a change?

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the stress just won’t budge. In these cases, a career change or even a break might be just what the doctor ordered.

Another option to consider is relocating. We also know from our recent research that workers in regional areas are less stressed than those living in bustling metro cities. With numerous benefits to living regionally, it could be the change you need to get you back on track.

We’re here to help you find that perfect fit where you can thrive without the constant stress.

Reach out to our friendly Frontliners to get started!