Recruitment Strategies for the End of Financial Year and New Financial Year

Recruitment Strategies for the End of Financial Year and New Financial Year

End of financial year (EOFY) is on the way in Australia, while New Zealand just started their New Financial Year.

We want to make sure you’re prepared with the right talent and strategies in place to reach your 2024/2025 financial year objectives.

So here are our expert tips for recruiting for the EOFY and NY in Australia and New Zealand.

Three Tips to Recruiting for the Australian End Of Financial Year

  1. Assess Your Current Staffing Needs: Take stock of your current workforce and identify any gaps or areas where additional talent may be needed. Consider any growth initiatives, upcoming projects, or impending departures.
  2. Review Your Recruitment Budgets and Resources: Do you have the necessary internal resources to meet those needs? If not, now’s the time to invest in an external specialist recruiter who has the resources and experience to attract the talent you need before the EOFY.
  3. Leverage EOFY Incentives: Could you incentivise the people you’re hiring using any EOFY budget? Consider offering sign-on bonuses, salary increases, or additional benefits, to help you stand out amongst the crowd of employers and lock in your new candidates.

Three Tips for New Zealand (and Australian) Employers Adjusting to the New Financial Year

  1. Prioritise the Candidate Experience: A positive candidate experience is essential for your employer branding. Now’s the time to review your processes and ensure that your recruitment process is transparent, efficient, and respectful of candidates’ time and effort.
  2. Invest In Your Current Staff: This will help grow loyalty and engagement within your teams, and help retain your current workforce. Find ways to actively support your staff in their career paths and remind them of the difference they make in their current role.
  3. Stay Up-To-Date With Local Market Insights: With job markets always changing, it’s crucial to remember that what works in one area might not be in another. Keep in touch with a local specialist recruiter who knows the ins and outs of your area.

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